Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Four Episode Forty-Six

Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

Here’s a story that illustrates many people’s view on the role of the conscience. “A man consulted a doctor, ‘I’ve been misbehaving, Doc, and my conscience is troubling me,’ he complained. ‘And, you want something that will strengthen your willpower?’ asked the doctor. ‘Well, no,” said the fellow. “I was thinking of something that would weaken my conscience.'” There’s more to the conscience than being a ‘right and wrong’ referee. But that’s what we’ve been taught: that the conscience’s only role is to gauge morality.  Conscience is the voice of your spirit. It’s how your spirit communicates with you. Conscience and the Inward Witness, that’s the focus of this week’s Light on Life.

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One Necessary Component You Need for Spiritual Growth in God

[Tweet “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ will set anyone free from the law of sin and death.”]

Casting Crowns: Are Your Works Floor Worthy?

Casting Crowns: Are Your Works Floor Worthy Before God's Throne?

The Bible speaks of crowns which believers are to receive in the life which is to come.  Charles Spurgeon said, “there are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.” 1 In today’s post we take a brief look at the actions of some cross bearing crown wearers who are set before the Throne of God.

[Tweet “All of your work,  labor, and toil have only one true resting place, the floor before His Throne.”]

How the Spirit Energizes By the Principle of Saturation

The Spirit of God Energizes and Revives By the Principle of Saturation

In last week’s blog, we spoke of saturation rains which came to the drought-filled nation of Israel during a five year stretch from 1986 to 1991. Israel was accustomed to the former rain and no latter rains which brought abundant harvests to the land. During the drought, the population of Israel was swelling because of the Russian Jews who were returning from the collapse of communism. Strict water rations were enacted even to the point of regulating flushing toilets. The Israeli newspapers were reporting that the greatest threat to Israel was not all the Arab enemies of Israel but rather the severe drought. It was so severe that the water supply was next to nothing. Then, a miracle took place. It began to rain, and not just some shower. The rains came in buckets and sheets and it wouldn’t quit. It kept on raining. The Hebrew newspapers reported MIRACLE, MIRACLE, across the front pages. It rained from October to March, it never stopped. The former and the latter rains had come together. This is how God moves not only in the natural but also in the spiritual. He moves via the principle of saturation.

[Tweet “Rain is God moving. It is God manifesting Himself.”]

How the Rain of God Bring Blessing to Man

The Rain of God Bring Blessing to Man

Three farmers gather daily during a horrible drought. The men are down on their knees, praying the skies will open and pour forth much-needed rain. The heavens are silent, however, and the petitioners become discouraged. Nonetheless, they continue to pray every morning. One morning, a stranger asks the men what they are doing. They say, “We’re praying for rain.” The stranger looks at each of them and shakes his head. “I don’t think so.” The first farmer says, “We are down on our knees, pleading for rain. Look around; see the drought. We haven’t had rain in more than a year!” The stranger says their efforts won’t work. The second farmer says, “We need the rain; we aren’t asking only for ourselves, but for our families and livestock.” The stranger still isn’t impressed. “You’re wasting your time,” he says. The third farmer in anger says, “What would you do if you were in our shoes?” “You really want to know?” the stranger asks. “We really want to know!” the farmers say. “The future of our farmlands is at stake.” The stranger says, “I would have brought an umbrella!”1 God moves on the outside, that is in the natural, through the principle of saturation. In the Bible, it’s called the Former and the Latter Rain.

[Tweet “Ministering on the glory of God brought forth physical rain every time during a two-year stretch.”]

How the Holy Spirit of God Moves In Your Heart

How the Holy Spirit of God Moves In Your Heart

In 1 Corinthians 12:1, the Lord speaks of things pertaining to the Holy Spirit. Paul’s teaching is in reference to the fact that the Corinthians were apparently prophesying and pronouncing a curse upon Jesus. They were messing up the simple gift of prophecy. So Paul straightens them out by saying, Hey wait a minute, no one speaking by God’s Ho;y Spirit will ever defame Jesus. Believers of that generation needed to be admonished, taught and corrected when it came to working with this member of the Godhead. The situation is no different today. So, in today’s post, let us look at some ways that the Spirit of God moves.

[Tweet “With experience, you will begin to be able to discern the thoughts of the Spirit in your heart.”]

#S4-032: Lessons on Spirit Living from Powerful Moves of God [Podcast]

There are several lessons we can learn from powerful moves of God that will help us in our everyday lives.

It’s important that we learn the lessons of history. Not just natural history, but spiritual history. History of the moves of God. We’ve endeavored to go along this trail for several podcasts sprinkled throughout the course of this year speaking on the subject of revival. Today, we are going to look at two specific lessons we can learn about powerful revival type moves of God that will help us in our everyday lives.

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[Tweet “To every move of God, since the Creation, there is a God-ward side and a man-ward side.”]

#S4-029: How God Uses Dreams to Direct His People [Encore Podcast]

Secrets to Hearing God

God Can and Does Direct His Children Through Dreams

Dreams played an important part in the lives of God’s people. Of the 116 references to dreams listed in Young’s Concordance, 52 come in Genesis during the early patriarchal period and 29 in the Book of Daniel 1. The book of  Zechariah is about eight special dreams that God gave to the prophet Zechariah, so he can tell God’s people what they mean. The dreams are all about God’s people rebuilding the temple, staying away from sin, and loving God with all their hearts2 Are you open to the Lord speaking to you in this way?

This is Part Six of the Series ‘Secrets to Hearing God’. You can find Part 1 by clicking ‘Are You Listening?‘,’Part Two by clicking ‘Are You Waiting?‘, Part Three ‘Are You Sensitive‘, Part Four ‘What’s the Number One Way God Leads You?‘, and Part Five ‘Dreams and Visions.

[Tweet “The Bible calls dreams night visions in Genesis 46:1-4.”]

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#S4-028: How God Communicates By Dreams And Visions [Encore Podcast]

Secrets to Hearing God

God Can Communicate with You by Dreams and Visions

While on vacation, Bethany was speeding down a California freeway with three teenage friends. One of them, Jody, said she had dreamed the night before that they were in a serious wreck and that she, the only one with a fastened seatbelt on, had survived. Hearing that, everyone fastened their seat belts. Later, their car swerved into the grass median and rolled. The investigating officer looked at the car and said, “If you hadn’t had your seat belts on, the outcome would have been a lot different.” Where did Jody’s dream come from? 1. In this week’s podcast, we will take a look at some of the other ways God communicates through His use of dreams and visions.

This is Part Three of the Series Secrets to Hearing God. You can find Part One by clicking “Are You Listening? and Part Two by clicking “Are You Waiting?” Part Three ‘Are You Sensitive‘, and Part Four ‘What’s the Number One Way God Leads You?

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[Tweet “There are many ways the Lord will lead you. He is not limited in His approach towards you.”]

Secrets to Hearing God: The Number One Way God Leads You

Podcast: Light on Life Season Four Episode Forty-Seven

Secrets to Hearing God: The Number One Way God Leads You

Many times people seek guidance from the Lord in ways He did not intend. An example is fleecing. It is scripturally incorrect for born-again believers to put out fleeces in order to determine God’s will. It’s always best for ‘new creation’ men to stay with God’s Word in these areas. In the pages of the Bible, the Lord Himself gave us clear instruction about how God leads New Testament children. In fact, He details for us the number one way God leads us in the affairs of life, the conscience.

This is Part Four of the Series Secrets to Hearing God. You can find Part One by clicking ‘Are You Listening?’ Part Two by clicking ‘Are You Waiting?‘ and Part Three ‘Are You Sensitive’

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One Necessary Component You Need for Spiritual Growth in God

[Tweet “You experience the Spirit’s witness in the most important area of your life, salvation.”]

#S4-026: Secrets to Hearing God: Are You Sensitive? [Encore Podcast]

You Can Develop Your Heart to Be Sensitive to God

Are you sensitive in your heart to the promptings and the urges of the Spirit of God? Are you hearing  Him? Are you easily moved by His gentle manner? Developing sensitivity of heart opens you to the life of God found in Jesus. For, the Spirit of God will lead you and guide you into all the truth about Him.

This is Part Three of the Series Secrets to Hearing God. You can find Part One by clicking “Are You Listening? and Part Two by clicking “Are You Waiting?”

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[Tweet “If you want to hear God’s voice, you have to develop a sensitivity to it.”]

#S4-025: Secrets to Hearing God: Are You Waiting? [Encore Podcast]

Waiting on God Helps You Hear God

In close connection with listening to God is the idea of waiting on God. People are hindered from receiving direction from God simply because they are not waiting around long enough to hear what He has to say. We are religiously praying instead of spiritually listening. Waiting to hear is part of the prayer discipline.

This is Part Two of the Series Secrets to Hearing God. You can find Part One by clicking “Secrets to Hearing God: Are You Listening? [Podcast]

[Tweet “Calmness, understanding, and strength are never the companions of hurry.”]

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#S4-023: Secrets to Hearing God: Are You Listening [Encore Podcast]

Here Are Three Secrets to Help You Pickout God's Voice in the Midst of the Crowded Voices

This story on listening is an appropriate intro into our new series on learning to hear God’s voice. Barbara, five, had disobeyed me and was sent to her room. After a few minutes, I went in to talk with her about what she had done. Teary-eyed, she asked, “Why do we do wrong things, Mommy?” “Sometimes the Devil tells us to do something wrong, and we listen to him,” I said. “We need to listen to God instead.” “But God doesn’t talk loud enough!” she wailed.1 How loud God speaks is not the determining factor in hearing Him. Knowing how to listen is so much more vital. Here are three tips for helping you hear your Father God in your heart as you walk out your everyday life.

[Tweet “If God’s voice is a still quiet voice then guess what you have to do in order to hear it?”]

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