How Your Faith In God Is Remembered Forever

God always remembers His Word. He forever recalls His Covenant, and His promises. Anything that He ever said He would do for you personally, will come to pass in your life. The passage of time will never dull the promise He made to you. Anything the Lord specifically spoke in the stillness of your heart, is already done. The very existence of heaven and earth depend on it (Matt 24:35). Do you believe this? Not only does the Lord remember His promises there are other things He refuses to forget. He will not forget your faith toward Him.

#014: Being a Two Dimensional Believer [Podcast]

Believers in Jesus are people of multiple realms and multiple dimensions. We walk in the dimensions of faith, hope and love. We live in the seen realm of today; we look at the unseen realm of tomorrow. We are people of the spiritual realm. And, we are people of the natural realm. With our spirits we contact God, the Creator of the Universe. With our bodies, we take out the trash! How does one live a balanced two dimensional life?

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Possibilities of the Anointing

Jesus Christ is a miracle worker. The Bible testifies to this fact in no uncertain terms (Jn. 20:30:31) but did you realize that Jesus did not produce miracles just because of His identity as the Son of God? Jesus was anointed by the Spirit of God (Matt. 3:16) and after His anointing, mighty works began to flow. Jesus then boldly declared that the works that He did, we can do also (Jn. 14:12). So, what are the possibilities of doing the greater works of Jesus? What are the possibilities of this anointing?