Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifteen

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan's Wisdom Is Certain

Did you know that your victory over Satan’s wisdom is a sure thing? Now, don’t be afraid to ask questions, that is a motto to live by. It is important to ask questions when we don’t understand something. We need to set aside our ego and acknowledge that we don’t know everything, as this is how we mature. However, we must not mistake this attitude for the rebellious “question authority” movement of the past. That is simply a disguise to do whatever one wants to do with no restraint. It is crucial to remember that God ordains the powers that be [Romans 13.1]. We should question things and not blindly accept everything we hear as truth. For example, if a minister claims a Bible verse says something, we should give him credit for his honesty and faithfulness of heart in declaring the Word, but feel empowered to verify. Checking things out for ourselves is how we make truth our own. When you put the work in, these verified facts become ‘thus says the Lord’ instead of ‘thus says the preacher.’ Failing to slow down, and think, leaves us open to great folly because, if the well-intentioned information is erroneous, it will not produce results.

There is a story that Napoleon often told to illustrate this point. Once, while visiting a province, he encountered an old soldier who had lost one arm in battle. The soldier was proudly wearing the coveted Legion of Honor on his uniform. Napoleon asked him where he had lost his arm, and the soldier replied that it was at the Battle of Austerlitz. When Napoleon praised him for receiving the Legion of Honor, the soldier humbly considered it a small token for his sacrifice. Surprised by the soldier’s response, Napoleon commented that he must be the kind of man who regretted not losing both arms for his country. In a bold move, the soldier immediately cut off his remaining arm, hoping to receive a double Legion of Honor. This story circulated for years, highlighting the importance of questioning and critically thinking before blindly accepting what others tell us.1

In today’s podcast, we delve into the certainty of our powerful victory over the world’s wisdom, which is ultimately doomed to fail. Join us as we explore this topic in this week’s episode of Light on Life: “Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain.” All on this weeks Light on Life.

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Are You Flowing in God Given Authority?

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain Click To Tweet

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Liar [Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty-Five

our Powerful Victory Over Satan the Liar [Podcast]

It’s crucial to expose Satan as the Liar he is. D.L. Moody wrote the following about lying and liars. He said, ‘You cannot offer a man a greater insult than to tell him he is a liar. Unbelief is telling God He is a liar. Suppose a man said, “Mr. Moody, I have no faith in you whatever.” Don’t you think it would grieve me? There is not anything that would wound a man much more than to be told that you do not have any faith in him.

A great many men say, “Oh, I have profound reverence and respect for God.” Yes, profound respect, but not faith. Why it is a downright insult! Suppose a man says, “Mr. Moody, I have profound respect for you, profound admiration for you, but I do not believe a word you say.” I wouldn’t give much for his respect or admiration; I wouldn’t give much for his friendship. God wants us to put our faith in Him. How it would wound a mother’s feelings to hear her children say, “I do love mamma so much, but I don’t believe what she says,” How it would grieve that mother.

And that is about the way a great many of God’s professed children talk. Some men seem to think it is a great misfortune that they do not have faith. Bear in mind it is not a misfortune, but it is the damning sin of the world.1 Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Liar, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Jesus Is the Powerful and Blessed King

[Tweet “The whole world system doesn’t have one nostril above the waterline when it comes to truth-telling.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil – Part 2

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty-Three

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil - Part 2

It’s crucial to expose Satan as the devil. There is a legend of Martin Luther, that, during a severe illness, the Evil One entered his sickroom and, looking at him with a triumphant smile, unrolled a big scroll which he carried in his arms. As the fiend threw one end of it on the floor, it unwound by itself. Luther’s eyes read the long, fearful record of his sins, one by one. That stout heart quailed before the ghastly roll. Suddenly it flashed into Luther’s mind that there was one thing not written there. He cried aloud: “One thing you have forgotten.

The rest is all true, but one thing you have forgotten: ‘The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.’” And as he said this, the Accuser of the Brethren and his heavy roll disappeared.1 This story may be a legend where Martin Luther is concerned but Satan, the devil, for sure is no legend. Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil – Part 2, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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#039: How to Terrorize the Terrorist [Podcast]

[Tweet “Newborn babes are born spiritually alive meaning that their spirits are in contact with God.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil

It is vitally important to expose Satan as the devil. The New York Times, reporting on a survey by the Barna Group, noted the diminishing belief in the devil among Americans. Two-thirds of Americans do not believe in the devil as a living entity. In a nationwide telephone survey of 1,007 randomly selected people, pollsters asked whether they agreed that Satan is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. Sixty-two percent agreed with the statement, while 30 percent disagreed; the remaining 8 percent had no opinion. If less than one in three Americans seems willing to give the devil his due, reported the Times, ìthen that is a result of fundamental, long-term shifts in the nation’s religious culture.1

The devil is a living entity. He is very real and very active on planet earth. In this week’s podcast, we take a further look at this very real enemy of the Lord and His people. Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil, all this on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S5-005: Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation? [Podcast]

[Tweet “The devil’s, MO is to make false statements about you to damage your identity in Christ.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Serpent

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Twenty-Nine

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Serpent

It’s vitally important to expose Satan as the Serpent. The Alabama State flag once showed a cotton plant in flower with a rattlesnake coiled at its roots, about to spring into action. Underneath were these words in Latin: ‘NOLI ME TANGERE’ — “Don’t Touch Me.” Years later, this design finally changed to the cross of St. Andrew. The cross has supplanted the Serpent in Alabama.1 The cross supplants the Serpent — yes it does and in many ways! In this week’s Light on Life podcast, we take a look at and expose Satan as the Serpent.

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#039: How to Terrorize the Terrorist [Podcast]

[Tweet “The body of Christ, the followers of Jesus, need to rise and say NO! to any hellish plan of the Serpent.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Dragon

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Twenty-Eight

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Dragon

It’s vitally important to expose Satan the Dragon. Some people think that there is no Satan. Perhaps the following story will be instructive to them. Once there was a boxer who was being severely beaten. Battered and bruised, he leaned over the ropes and said to his trainer, “Throw in the towel! This guy is killing me!” The trainer said, “Oh, no, he’s not. He’s not even hitting you. He hasn’t laid a glove on you!” At that point, the boxer wiped the blood away from his eye and said, “Well, then, I wish you’d watch that referee. Somebody is sure hitting me!” 1

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#S3-016: How to Obliterate Temptation in Jesus Name [Podcast]

[Tweet “The book of Revelation is the only book in the New Testament which references Satan the Dragon.”]

How to Deal with Thieves and Robbers Jesus Style

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 6

How to Deal with Thieves and Robbers Jesus Style

Jesus shared much with his disciples on the subject of thieves and robbers. I ran across this remarkable story of the prayer life of Rev. Thomas Bradbury, who successfully overcame some robbers. It turns out that Rev. Thomas Bradbury was remarkable for punctuality in the time he devoted to family worship. One evening when the bell had rung, the servants went up to prayer and forgot to shut the area door near the street. Some men observed the door open, and one of them entered the house to rob it. Creeping upstairs, he heard the old gentleman praying that God would preserve his home from thieves. The man was thunderstruck and unable to persist in his plan to rob the house.

He returned and told the circumstance to his companions, who abused him on account of his timidity. Still, he was so affected that, sometime after, he related the incident to Mr. Bradbury, and gave his heart to God. 1 Isn’t that an exciting story? That’s our great God at work. How to deal successfully with thieves and robbers, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “Robbers are bad people, even though they try to pass themselves as good. That’s how Satan works.”]

#S4-037: Why God Ordained Authority and High Places Matter [Podcast]

Understanding High Places Helps You Understand Authority

Believers are at different levels in their spirit walk with God. Spiritual growth is a lot like physical growth. We are all in the process of becoming and growing. On many Bible subjects, believers differ on how they should live and act according to those scriptures.  There are believers who don’t believe you need to rebuke the devil. They think all I need to do is pray unto God about what the devils is doing  and that takes care of it. Is this true? Is this what the scriptures teach? In today’s podcast, we are going to look at the concept of ‘high places’ and endeavor to show you from the Word of God that you can and should rebuke demons in Jesus Name.

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[Tweet “The Word speaks of high places in many places. Why is heaven up but hell is down? High Places.”]

#S2-047: How To Make Sure You Are An Instrument of Righteousness [Podcast]

A college Sophomore was in need of a car and had a series of dreams one night and everything was in yellow, everything! Early the next morning he began to hit the used car lots, looking at one car after another. Finally he found God’s will for him: a yellow car, yellow inside and out. He didn’t even ask to drive it. He just bought it. Turned out to be a lemon. 1 Yellow in your dreams is hardly the way to acquire God’s will. Jesus knew what the Father’s will was for His life. One day Jesus began to share with His disciples some of that plan. He met with some resistance. What lessons can we learn from Matthews account of this encounter?

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#S2-046: How to Recognize the Voice of Satan the Chameleon [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

In some of the outlying areas of British Columbia, Canada, farmers have been plagued with wolves killing their livestock. Meetings have been held with farmers, environmentalists and concerned citizens in a move to solve the problem. The majority of the local people favored shooting or poisoning the marauding wolves. At one meeting a woman strode to the microphone, listed her impressive credentials and explained her solution. “Vasectomy is the answer,” she thundered. “Simply trap the wolves humanely, neuter the males and release them.” One grizzled old sheep farmer rose to his feet. “Ma’am,” he said in a gruff voice, “no disrespect meant, you bein’ an expert, but them wolves is killin’ my sheep, not makin’ love to ‘em.” 1 As funny as this story is, two-legged wolves in the church are a serious problem. Jesus addressed this problem and gave us some clues in how to recognize their potentially damaging threats.

This is part five of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here and Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around’ [Podcast] here, Part Three, ‘How You Can Overcome the Tools of Satan’ [Podcast],  and Part 4 ‘What Is the Greatest Tool in Satan’s Toolbox?’ [Podcast] here.

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#S2-045: What Is the Greatest Tool in Satan’s Toolbox? [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

The Lord has given to every man his work. It is his business to do it, and the devil’s business to hinder him—if he can. So, sure as God gives a man a work to do, Satan will try to hinder him. He may present other things more promising; he may allure you by worldly prospect; he may assault you with slander, torment you with false accusations, set you to work defending your character, employ pious persons to lie about you, editors to assail you, and excellent men to slander you. You may have Pilate and Herod, Ananias and Caiaphas all combined against you, and Judas standing by to sell you for 30 pieces of silver. And you may wonder why all these things have come to pass. Can you not see that the whole thing is brought about through the craft of the devil, to draw you off from your work and hinder your obedience to Christ? Keep about your work. Do not flinch because the lion roars. Do not stop to stone the devil’s dogs. Do not fool around your time chasing the devil’s rabbits. Do your work; let liars lie; let sectarians quarrel; let editors publish; let the devil do his worst. But see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling the work God has given you. He had not sent you to make money; He has not commanded you to get rich. He has never bidden you to defend your character nor has He bidden you to contradict falsehoods about yourself which Satan and his servants may start to peddle. If you do these things you will do nothing else; you will be at work for yourself and not for the Lord. Keep about your work. Let your aim be as steady as a star. Let the world brawl and bubble. You may be assaulted, wrangled, insulted, slandered, wounded, and rejected. You may be chased by foes, abused by them, forsaken by friend, despised and rejected of men, but see to it that with steadfast determination and with unfaltering zeal you pursue that great purpose of your life and the object of your being until at last you can say; “I have finished the work which you, dear God, have given me to do?” [ 1. Galaxie Software, 10,000 Sermon Illustrations (Biblical Studies Press, 2002)] There are some things we can learn about handling the hindering effects of Satan’s opposition to the gospel by looking at Satan’s most widely known tool, temptation.

This is part four of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here and Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around’ [Podcast] here and Part Three, ‘How You Can Overcome the Tools of Satan’ [Podcast] here.

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#S2-044: How You Can Overcome the Tools of Satan [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

Writing in Moody Monthly, Carl Armerding recounted his experience of watching a wildcat in a zoo. “As I stood there,” he said, “an attendant entered the cage through a door on the opposite side. He had nothing in his hands but a broom. Carefully closing the door, he proceeded to sweep the floor of the cage.” He observed that the worker had no weapon to ward off an attack by the beast. In fact, when he got to the corner of the cage where the wildcat was lying, he poked the animal with the broom. The wildcat hissed at him and then lay down in another corner of the enclosure. Armerding remarked to the attendant, “You certainly are a brave man.” “No, I ain’t brave,” he replied as he continued to sweep. “Well, then that cat must be tame.” “No,” came the reply, “he ain’t tame.” “If you aren’t brave and the wildcat isn’t tame, then I can’t understand why he doesn’t attack you.” Armerding said the man chuckled, then replied with an air of confidence, “Mister, he’s old—and he ain’t got no teeth.” 1 That’s an accurate description of Satan the roaring lion who seeks to devour (1 Peter 5:8). He is a defeated lion with no teeth. But, that doesn’t stop him from making a bunch of noise. In order to enforce his defeat, and to shut his mouth, you have to learn to call his bluff. You can do it if you know his devices.

This is part three of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here and Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around‘ here.

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