Why Is The Throne of God A Strategic Place?

In the book, the Art of War the following quote appears. “The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself” 1 Sun Tzu must have gotten this piece of wisdom from reading the Bible. This is exactly what took place through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In his week’s post, let’s look at the strategic nature of the the Throne of God.

#038: What if I Married the Wrong Person? [Podcast]

Sometimes alien thoughts buzz in people’s heads like bees hovering around a hive. Even people wishing to do God’s complete will get stunk with the question, “What if I married the wrong person. What should I do? How do I  correct the mistake and get back into God’s will?” Let’s look at the all the hum coming from this question in this weeks podcast.

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What Does Nature Itself Teach about Life in the Spirit?

Our first house had zero landscape when we first moved in. No trees at all, nothing. Today, many years later a huge oak tree sits firmly planted in the front yard. The tree stands as as sentinel. It owns the ground it stands on. Looking at that tree brings back fond memories for me. My children spent hours climbing it. They even camped out up in the tree and read many an afternoon. That tree had a part in my children’s development. As the tree grew, my kids grew right along with it. The Bible gives us similar pictures from nature which help to visually describe for us the nuances of spirit life. Here’s some thoughts from the Word of God along this line.

#037: How Massive is The Throne of the Most High God? [Podcast]

What was your most memorable vacation? How did you plan for it? Did you check out all the places you were traveling to before you went? Sharon and I just came back from one. We spent time getting to know some of the places we we would be seeing. It’s part of the fun of traveling. What about the place you travel to when you pray? What about the Throne of God? What do you know about God’s Throne? It is the place that everybody wants to go to when they hit heaven! How many plan pilgrimages to religious places on earth every year? The Throne of God is the most important place in the universe that you can possibly go to. What’s so outstanding about the Throne of God? It’s a massive place.

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How to Terrorize the Terrorist

We live in a time the Bible classifies as perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1).  Terrorism is one factor that makes these days dangerous to live in. This hate religion is a fear based business. Believers in Jesus don’t have to be subject to a spirit of fear. You can overcome it. You can live in peace all your days. While your at it, you can turn the tables. You can terrorize the terrorist.

#035: Words Have Power [Podcast]

This podcast is a joint venture between my daughter Sophie West and I. We discuss her blog post Words Have Power . The notes below are hers.

I suppose it’s only fitting that I introduce myself to you, as that is what most people do upon meeting each other. I am the youngest born to my father Emery and my mother Sharon. I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but you may call me Sophie West, and I’m a twenty something year old whose passion revolves around three things; My God, my family and words. These areas that I have centered my life on are seemingly typical responses to the age old question “What is important to you?” Well the first two are in any happenstance. Americans the world over have professed a deep and abiding love for God and family. But the two that I’m going to focus on are My God, and my words.

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Why is The Throne of God Power Central?

“I have never met a person who took a test without wanting to know what to study. Nor have I met a soldier who was willing to go into battle without his gun. Also, I have never met a pilot who wanted to lose power while still in the air. But I have met Christians who were perfectly willing to live their lives without God’s power” 1. Living a Christian life without God’s power is as ludicrous as trying to drive a car without gas. Knowing about and seeing examples of spiritual power aids the believer in His walk. You can, then, have confidence in the strength of the Lord on your behalf.

#034: Three Steps To Affair Proof Your Marriage [Podcast]

Dr. Tom McGuiness, a counseling psychologist in New Jersey, gives this explanation of why many affairs take place: Married people seek out or succumb to affairs when they feel devalued or less than fully alive. They are bored. Overburdened. People who have affairs have a child’s deep longing to be touched, caressed, held, hugged and kissed, whether they admit it or not. They want happy surprises. That might mean a sentimental unexpected gift every once in a while. More important, it is the dependable gift of time and caring. The present of shared ideas, experiences, stories, nonsense and games, including sexual games. They want the world to butt out. They want a loving friend, a pal who isn’t judgmental. They want someone to convince them they’re still loved, lovable and very special. For a little while, now and then, they want out from under the grown-up responsibilities that have become predictable, dreary and difficult. 1. These are some of the preventable feelings that couples have. As the old saying goes to be forewarned is to be forearmed. What are some things that married couples can focus to help affair proof their marriage?

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What Heavenly Lessons Will Angels Teach You about God?

Angels are spectacular mysterious beings. In today’s age, there’s much conversation about them. This is nothing new. Paul speaking to the Colossian church warned them about worshiping angels (Col. 2:18). While we are not to worship angels or put them on pedestals, the Bible does speak much of them, 295 times to be exact. So, what can learn from them? What practical lessons can we learn about God from them?

#033: Three Things Jesus Did that You Can Do [Podcast]

Jesus was not a wayside philosopher. He did not sit around and debate the state of the world. He didn’t engage in political banter for the sake of it. He wasn’t a baby kisser pining for office. Jesus was a doer. The tsunami impact of His life branded the world. How did He do it? He moved in God’s timing. He flowed with the Spirits direction. He left every disciple a reproducible model. What Jesus did you can do. How do we know? He told us so.

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How Breathtaking Is the Throne of God?

Fireworks are displays of stupefying light and sound. Do you look forward to seeing them? But, a fireworks show comparable to the happenings of heaven does not exist. There has never been a laser light show equal to the light and energy emanating from the Throne of God. Men have tried with various words to describe the awesome center of the universe.  None of them satisfy. Until we see the Throne for ourselves, the best we have is the Bible’s description.

How to Grow in Faith: Five Questions to Ask

The Word of God says that ‘faith comes by hearing’ – it does not say that faith remains once it has come. You may have faith today for your healing, but that does not mean that you will have faith for healing tomorrow. We can never get away from the subject of faith. You always have to study it, because you always need faith. Once you get faith established in an area in your life, it is much easier to maintain that faith level. It’s hard to build a house initially; it’s easier to maintain it once it has been built. Let’s look at five questions that will help you build and maintain a vibrant faith life.