Being Led by Peace, Conscience and the Inward Witness

Have you ever heard any one say, when in the throes of having to make a major decision, “You know I have peace about it?” Is there anything to that? Thank God, there is. You can learn to follow the peace of God and learn to flow perfectly in His will. In learning this essential skill, there are three areas in scripture you should take note of, three sets of words for the Spirit led life. Take note of the words, peace, conscience, and the inward witness.

Facing Fear Fearlessly

Fear is the number one attack of the enemy that you will face on planet earth. The earth is a fear filled place. The number one fear is the fear of death. It is right that believers are being led to write books about it. It is right for preachers to preach on it. It is right for you to have an arsenal of books and tapes on it, to help you combat it. It is right for you to mark out in your Bible or to have lists of scriptures that help you in this fight. At all costs fear must be eliminated from your life. What steps can we take in order to rid our lives of this deadly enemy?

The Jonathan Connection

The Lord put certain people in your life in order to help you navigate through and fulfill your destiny. These relationships are God ordained relationships. They are not after the flesh. They are Spirit-led and Spirit orchestrated encounters. There is much talk of ‘relationship mechanics’ in the world today and you can find such talk easily on the internet. The difference between Spirit-led, God ordained, relationships and what the world has to offer is like the difference between the 1st Temple that Solomon built and the 2nd Temple that was rebuilt after the Babylonians came in and destroyed the first one.

#002: Being Led by Peace, Conscience, and the Inward Witness [Podcast]

Being led by the Spirit of God is both and blessing from the Lord (Rom. 8:14) and a vital part of the Christian walk Romans 8:14. In learning to be led in our everyday life, there are three areas in scripture we should take note of. Three individual words mentioned in the scriptures that allude to and give us insight into the Spirit Led Life. These words are ‘peace’, ‘conscience’ and the ‘inward witness ‘.

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You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Hearing What the Spirit is Saying unto the Church! In 1Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul lays out for the church an explanation of Spiritual Gifts. If you read the list, you will see that three of the gifts are vocal. Prophecy is words inspired by the Spirit in a known language. Tongues are words inspired by the Spirit in an unknown tongue. Interpretation of tongues is a Spirit given rendering of an unknown tongue. Below is an example of the gift of prophecy.
The following excerpt is taken from a prophecy that was given by Kenneth E. Hagin on September 22, 1996.

Three Healing Questions from Jesus Life

In the gospels, Jesus encountered and healed 19 individual cases of sickness and disease. It seems like there is more and in one sense there were (John 20:30-31). We don’t have the ‘all the books cannot hold’ cases of healing to examine that John refers to. What we have is nineteen individual cases spread out through the pages of the gospel. Since this is what God gave us, these nineteen cases should be studied to see what can we learn about the ministry of healing. Here are three questions generated from the healing ministry of Jesus.