The Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins

Podcast: Light on Life Season Five Episode Nine

Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins

A pastor entered a tavern where a man, wishing to embarrass him, rose and suddenly called out quite loudly, “There is no God”. The pastor went to him, calmly laid his hand on his shoulder, and said, “Friend, what you have said is not at all new. The Bible said that more than 2,000 years ago.” The man replied, “I never knew that the Bible made such a statement.” The pastor informed him, “Psalm 14:1, tells us, “The fool says in his heart, there is no God.” But there is a great difference between that fool and you. He was quite modest and said it only in his heart; he didn’t go about yelling it out in taverns.”[Paul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of the Times (Garland, TX: Bible Communications, Inc., 1996), 483.] Many are yelling ‘There is no God’ by the lives they’re living. They are unwise. The foolishare not looking to Him. They are not looking for Him. The indifferent are unaware of Him. They are like the Five Foolish Virgins in Jesus parable in Matthew twenty-five. In today’s Light on Life, we take a fresh look at the Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins, so that we could ascertain for ourselves How to Live Wise in an Unwise World.

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[Tweet “Flowing in his God-ordained place is the wise man’s first priority.”]

What’s So Important about the Days of Noah?

Podcast: Light on Life Season Five Episode Seven

What Do the Days of Noah Have to Do with End-Times?

Jesus said concerning His Second Coming that no man, no angel, not even Jesus Himself knows the day or the hour of His return. Only the Father God knows it. But, one thing Jesus did tell us was that His coming would be like the days of Noah. What did Jesus mean by that? What were the days of Noah like? That’s what we are going to take a look at in this weeks Light on Life.

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Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

[Tweet “The Flood came suddenly to an unprepared people.”]

#S5-006: What You Need to Know about Israel as the Fig Tree [Podcast]

What You Need to Know about Israel and the Fig Tree

The disciples asked Jesus about the end of the world in Matthew twenty-four. In the last podcast, we’ve looked at the Tribulation timeline up to and including the Battle of Armageddon. Right on the tail end of these comments, Jesus instructs His disciples to look at the fig tree and to learn it’s lesson. When it puts out leaves, you know that summer is near. What did He mean by that? Should we know about the fig tree as a symbol for Israel? What is the lesson we are to learn? That’s what we are going to take a look at in this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Like the fig tree, believers are supposed to bear fruit. It’s the expected thing.”]

Seeing Jesus Remarkable Mission in the Light of Prophecy

You Can See Jesus in the Prophetic Scriptures

Hebrew 2:9 encourages us to see Jesus who was made lower than the angels so that He could suffer death for every man. But not only can you see Jesus in the pages of the New Testament. You can see Him in the pages of the Old. You can see Him in the prophetic scriptures themselves.

Seven Witnesses to the Mission of Jesus

[Tweet “Your empty ‘sin’ record is saturated with His Blood.”]

#S5-005: Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation? [Podcast]

There will be a great separation of sheep and goats after the Tribulation.

At ten o’clock in the morning of May 19, 1780, people in the Eastern Seaboard noticed a strange haze spreading across the sky. Then a thick darkness settled over the eastern part of the US. By noon, schools were dismissed, candles lit, and torches set in the streets. Birds went to roost. By one o’clock in the afternoon, fear had turned into panic as the “premature nightfall” continued. Thousands crowded into churches to hear ministers expound on the Day of Judgment. In Hartford, Connecticut, both houses of the legislature were meeting, but one of them quickly dismissed since its members thought the world would end at any moment.1  If this was some of the reactions to a ‘premature sunset’, what do you think the reaction will be during the Great Tribulation when the sun is blackened for three days and there is no light? We are going to continue talking about the Tribulation in this podcast specifically, ‘Who Makes It Out of the Great Tribulation?’

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[Tweet “The Battle of Armageddon ends with the Second Coming of Jesus.”]

What is Significant About 490 Years in End-Time Events?

What is Significant about 490 Years in End-Time Events? This image that Daniel interpreted gives us a clue.

The number 490 comes up in scripture in connection with Daniels End-Time timeline. What is the significance of that number to me as a believer in Jesus and how does it fit into Daniel chapter 9, the bedrock of Bible prophecy? That’s what we are going to take a look at in today’s blog.

[Tweet “Bible prophecy is rooted in the person of Jesus Christ.”]

#S5-004: How to Escape the Battle of Armageddon [Podcast]

How to Escape the Battle of Armageddon

Belgium is called “the cockpit of Europe” because it has been the site of more European battles than any other country—such as the battles of Oudernarde, Ramillies, Fontenoy, Fleurus, Jemmapes, Ligny, Waterloo, etc. The plain of Megiddo was also the scene of many decisive battles in Israel’s history. Here Gideon defeated Midian (Judg. 6:33). Here Saul died on Mount Gilboa (1 Sam. 31:1). Here Josiah was slain against Pharoah-Necho (2 Kg. 23:29, 30). Here also, battles have occurred between Egyptians and Assyrians, between Babylonians and Greeks, between Seleucids and Ptolemies, between Romans and Arabs, between Crusaders and Turks. Napoleon called this area “the world’s greatest natural battlefield” because of the ideal terrain for the world’s armies to maneuver. 1 It’s coming folks, the Battle of Armageddon. How to escape it. That’s what we are talking about on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “The Battle of Armageddon ends with the Second Coming of Jesus.”]

Why Daniel 9 Is the Bedrock of Bible Prophecy?

Part II

Daniels Seventy Weeks is the Bedrock of Bible Prophecy. Here's how we know that.

Daniels seventy weeks is a framework for prophetic end-time events. Like so much of Bible prophecy, the term seventy weeks is in itself symbolic. Seventy weeks doesn’t mean four-hundred-ninety days but rather four-hundred-ninety-years. How do we really know that? In this blog post, we lay out scriptural proof to this end. Rest assured, the Bible speaks for itself. It proves itself out. You don’t need outside sources or a reliance on guesswork or men’s imaginations to grasp the intent of God’s Word.

[Tweet “The Lord never asks you to do something that you couldn’t do if you believe and trust Him.”]

#S5-003: Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation? [Podcast]

Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation Spoken of in the Book of Revelation?

At the close of World War II General Douglas MacArthur said: “We have had our last chance. If we do not now devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character… It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.”1 We get over into talking about Armaggedon when we talk about the ‘bowl’ judgments in Revelation because it is the last bowl judgment of the Tribulation. So, “Who Makes It Out the Tribulation?” – All this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Mercifully, the Lord is giving people a taste of what’s to come, if they don’t repent.”]

What Is the Bedrock of Bible Prophecy?

The Prophet Daniel's Seventy Weeks Prophecy is the Bedrock of Bible Prophecy

Daniel chapter nine lays the groundwork for the chronology of End-Time events. But, this understanding came to Daniel after a season of prayer for his own people. When God answered Daniels intercession, He did so in an exceeding abundant fashion. The God who is more than enough gave Daniel way more than he asked for. That’s how He is. He is more than enough or we can say a ‘way too much’ God. And, He will do the same for you. In today’s post, we begin to look at Daniels. Seventy Year Prophecy which is the bedrock for understanding the timeline for End-Times.

[Tweet “This is God’s nature. He always goes above and beyond our requests – Eph. 3:20.”]

#S5-001: Escaping the Carnage of the Great Tribulation [Podcast]

A Scale of the Tribulation period

A few years ago, when inflation was overwhelming the average worker, Arthur Garcia, 43, who supported a wife and five children on a $19,000 wage as a worker in U.S. Steel’s South Chicago mill said: “You really want to revolt, but what can you do? I keep waiting for a miracle—for some guy who isn’t born yet—and when he comes, we’ll follow him like he was John the Baptist” (From “Inflation: Who Is Hurt Worst?” Time, January 15, 1979).231 This may be just one of many scenarios which allow the Antichrist to rise to power. The table is being set. Jesus is coming again, that’s a Bible fact. In this week’s podcast, we pick-up where we left off last week, where we began to look at some of the carnage that arises out of the Great Tribulation.

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[Tweet “Trust the Word here, this Tribulation period is no cake-walk. You don’t want any part of it.”]

#S4-052: Why Jesus Referred to the End of the World As Corpses and Vultures [Podcast]

The End Times Series

Revelation Details the Ned of the World

What do these dates have in common (1248, 1306, 1689, 1792, 1836, 1844, 1914, 1936, 1960, 1974, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1994, 2011)? They all represent the times at which people predicted that the Second Coming of Christ would occur. No one, not even Jesus knows the exact time of Christ’s coming (Matthew 24:36). What we do know is this: Christ’s coming will be unexpected and dramatic. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10).1. In this podcast, we continue our series on End-Times by looking further at Jesus answer to the question, ‘What shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world.”

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[Tweet “Trust the Word here, this Tribulation period is no cake-walk. You don’t want any part of it.”]